His poll numbers were expected to go down during the first two years of his administration, and they are. They do for every President. They even went down for Clinton. But with information like this cropping up, the magic of Obamamania could permanently lose its sheen. Still too early to say, though, since the Main Stream Media still ignores most bad news about Obama, and the MSM shapes the nation's opinions (sad to say).
So much information. So little time to keep up with it. The more things happen, the quicker each news item drops off the front page into oblivion and away from our country's short attention span. Who has the time? Right? And that is how our politicians will get away with spending us into bankruptcy.
(h/t on video: BH)
So much information. So little time to keep up with it. The more things happen, the quicker each news item drops off the front page into oblivion and away from our country's short attention span. Who has the time? Right? And that is how our politicians will get away with spending us into bankruptcy.
(h/t on video: BH)
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