Let me get this straight... One girl decides to sit during the Pledge of Allegiance in school and another girl criticizes her for doing so. The latter gets a 5 day suspension from school.
Is it the right of the sitting girl to sit during the Pledge? Yes, though disrespectful, it is her right under the First Amendment. Is it not also the right of the criticizing girl to criticize the sitting girl for doing so? Sure! For the same reason...unless the sitting girl is Muslim. Welcome to the Obamanation.
While there was supposedly a reference made by the non-Muslim girl regarding the hajib worn by the Muslim girl in the verbal exchange, that should not take away the former's right to answer such a blatant display of disrespect shown by the Muslim girl, IMHO. I see it as a wash, and no punishment should have been doled out. It should have instead been a "teaching moment" to be taken advantage of.
Is this one of many reasons why home schooling is so popular these days???
Read the whole story by clicking HERE.
(h/t: Robert Spencer)