I bring this up because there are a couple of civilized nations in Eastern Europe who are not buying into such political correctness. The first one is Lithuania, whose government passed a law this week forbidding the promotion of homosexual propaganda in schools. Promotions of violence and suicide were also mentioned in the ban, which passed the Parliament 67 to 3 with 4 abstaining. The president has yet to sign it into law, but is expected to do so soon.
From MP Narkiewicz:
Opponents of the law claim it violates free speech and promotes discrimination.
Poland is expected to pass their own version of this in the not so distant future. I applaud them for it.
No one is suggesting that violence against homosexuals is okay or that homosexuals should be discriminated against. But when we cease to see heterosexuality as the more desirable of the two conditions, then where is our society headed? At the very least, the birthrate in westernized countries will be a major factor in the continued existence of our culture as well as our very freedom and way of life. The alternative does not suit either hetero- or homosexuals in western nations. See an earlier post HERE.
And why should any nation's youth, already undergoing a confusing period in their lives, be subjected to such promotions, or be encouraged to experiment sexually in ways which could psychologically damage them for the rest of their lives? Ask our nation's gay lobbies. They will do anything to make their own lifestyles seem more mainstream...
And to avoid any faith-based arguments on this issue, please refer to the Catechism of the Catholic Church #2357-2359 and #2396. Pick up a Bible, too, and read Genesis 19:1-29, Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthians 6:10, 1 Timothy 1:10, etc...
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