Friday, February 18, 2011

My First 7 Quick Takes For 2011

Welcome once again (my first this year) to 7 Quick Takes Friday, in which I share a few personal items I feel are at least somewhat newsworthy and a few that are there to fill out the full seven takes.

1)  First I would like to thank all the heavy hitters who were kind enough to link to my March For Life post, making me feel like a major blog if only for a week or so.  It's really the only time I get massive numbers on Sitemeter (when I cover the March).  Lisa Graas, Jennifer Fulwiler, Elizabeth Scalia, Jeff Miller (Curt Jester), Allen Troupe, and Mary DeTurris Poust [Our Sunday Visitor (Daily Take)] who said some really nice things about the work I did, all linked to me giving me more exposure in one week than I get all year long.  Added to that was attention from the foreign press.  It's nice to be noticed, and then to slip back into virtual anonymity (yeah, right).  But I'd gladly end it if we didn't have to march at all anymore.

He got paid $120 for doing this!
2)  The snow storms we had 2 weeks ago seem like a distant memory, and I thought at one point I would be routed around them, but no such luck.  The picture you see is of a trailer I picked up in Hiawatha, IA that was backed against a building, causing the snow to drift toward the rear of the roof.  If only I had taken the picture before the overpass on I-380 knocked the 5ft tower of snow off the rear.  But as you can see I still had to hire someone who weighed less than me to climb up there and shovel it off, lest an avalanche fall upon an unsuspecting 4-wheeler en route.  Plus, I went under another 14'6" overpass which knocked most of the rest off.  The original sight looked like an elephant laying on its back with its hind legs in the air.

3)  How is that stimulus (porkulus) from 2 years ago working out for YOU?

4)  I mentioned sometime ago I was discerning a vocation for monastic life.  Well, I still am but need to slow things down.  Everyone wants me to attend their Triduum at Easter, and I'm expected to take time off work for a week to get acquainted.  So I may put things off 'til next year.

5)  In case you haven't yet heard, The US House of Representatives have voted bipartisanly to DE-FUND Planned Parenthood of the over $300 million it receives each year from the US Goverment.  Now on to the Senate where stiff opposition resides.  Phone your senator!!!  Read more HERE.

6)  Living out on the road in a semi for 4 weeks at a time, even though I have an apartment, is like living out of a suitcase.  The cat and I came home today only to realize that the only thing I forgot to bring to the apartment was his medicine.  It's specially made by a pet pharmacy located over 2 hours away (in the other direction), so I had to drive 45 minutes back to the truck to pick it up, and then another 45 minutes back home.  Gasoline costs too much for mistakes like that.  Number 6 is filler, in case you didn't know.

7)   For other takes from other bloggers, including host Jennifer Fulwiler, click HERE

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lila Rose Said More To Come: Here It Is-- Planned Parenthood in Virginia Enabling Sex Traffickers

This is the second undercover sting video of several yet to be released showing Planned Parenthood offering to help pimps successfully traffic their prostitutes, even underage girls!

The counselor at the Planned Parenthood in Central New Jersey has been fired.  I would expect the same fate for this one and more to come...

Planned Parenthood receives over $300 million per year in federal funding.  Call your Congressman, even if he/she is pro-abortion, and demand the funding be stopped!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shocking New Video Of Planned Parenthood Aiding Underage Sex Trafficking

If this doesn't get Congress to finally DEFUND Planned Parenthood, then I cannot imagine what will.  ACORN was guilty of lesser acts, though not by much, and Congress acted on that.

In a nutshell, Live Action Films' undercover video above shows a very helpful but positively jaded Central New Jersey Planned Parenthood counselor offering a pimp and his prostitute a way to acquire secret STD testing and abortions for their under-age gaggle of hookers.  Then the counselor helps them out by giving them business advice on running a more efficient operation, and even refers to herself as a "partner in crime."

It is quite clear that in all of Lila Rose's undercover videos (which I have posted numerously HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and even HERE) have shown that the blurring of lines between ethical vs. unethical as well as legal vs. illegal is happening all over the country in Planned Parenthood clinics.  I have no doubt that the counselors believe they are doing some sort of good service for these people; but after killing so many human beings they have clearly lost focus on what is right and what the rest of us see so clearly is wrong, and have pushed the line to the point of involving themselves in other crimes as well.  Congress needs to act now!

We should not hate these abortionists for what they do.  They are deceived by Satan into thinking that WE are the bad ones and the oppressors, and that advancing their agenda by any means necessary is a good thing.  Bishop Hermann of St. Louis explained the trap we can fall into by hating them, which would lead us, too, into the culture of death.  We must educate, minister to, and pray for these people to convert to Christ, see the evil of their ways, and to join us in eradicating this anathema of abortion once and for all.

Want to get involved?  Click on THIS.