Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Honor Is Mine

I guess you've all noticed I've gone longer than normal without posting anything.  Sorry about that, but life has been hectic and priorities must be set, lest I should become a slave to my blog.  But in spite of the hiatus, I got a spike in readership due to some unexpected attention by Lisa Graas.

Seems that I've been included in a list of Conservatism's Manliest Blogs.  Don't laugh!  It's not a macho thing, but appears to have the theme of chivalry.  My blog is being described as "noble" by her, and this honors me tremendously.  And when I see the others on the list, I feel even more honored.

Stop by and see what else she's been up to.  Looks like she's been very busy blogging.


  1. You're a sweetheart. Thanks! ;-)

  2. Well-deserved praise indeed! BTW thanks for turning me on to Lisa's web site. She does a fantastic job and is indeed quite prolific!

    Glad to hear that all is okay with you too. I was growing concerned with your long absence, Matt! God bless!

  3. Aren't you supposed to use Irish Spring soap, or am I dating myself? I suppose now it's Old Spice.

  4. Congratulations! What a wonderful honor!

    And Kevin, yes, it's Old Spice!!! :)


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