Thursday, August 7, 2008

Geert Wilders' Fitna

It's 17 minutes long but worth the viewing. Make the time. See what we're up against. Remember that freedom without responsibility leads to moral bankruptcy. And moral bankruptcy could result in a boomerang effect of a generation embracing fanatical Islam--like in Europe. But fanatical Islam can also sweep our country due to complacency. Trust me, we don't want to wind up like Europe.

Parts of this movie are hard to watch. Not for the squeamish. Truth can be like that. Also, because of the graphic nature I had neglected to post this in the past. It has been around for several months and banned from many sites, including You Tube. But today's political climate requires me to post this now. Watch it and learn.


  1. I've never been much for sub-titles (except back in my formative Brigitte Bardot days, and--back then--who read the sub-titles?)

    But this is an extremely well-done presentation, combining scholarship, emotionally gripping video history, logic and sound political and philosophic western principles of classical liberalism.

    Thanks for featuring this, Matt.

  2. Thank you for sending it to me.


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