Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dissatisfied? Wear It Proudly!

I found THIS while surfing the web today. It's a place where you can order a bumper-sticker or tee-shirt that says "We're Screwed '08" which is pretty much how I feel these days about our choices in November. Too bad they only go up to 2XL, or I'd buy a couple of tees. Maybe a sticker would suffice...

I don't know anything about who is making these shirts, but they say that Pay Pal is a payment option. That should make on online purchase reasonably secure.


  1. We are VERY trustworthy and run our own businesses beyond this crazy tee shirt stuff. And we are bloggers too. This is just part of our top secret life. LOL. Thanks for the nod.

    Kristen and Melissa

  2. Well, that says a lot! We might be in luck, if Obama's turns out to be as lousy at defending his policies as he's been this week.

    Other than that? Could be SOL...


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