Thursday, January 10, 2008

All Hands Rise For Fred Thompson On Fox After Debate

It would appear that Fred Thompson has risen to the occasion on the debate tonight. He was personable, knowledgeable, and likable to most viewers. Fred came to win....and to most people on Fox News (post debate) he did just that. This should be a great shot in the arm for his campaign nationally as well as his chances to win South Carolina.

But we must remember that John McCain had to win at least three debates to get his surge going. Hopefully we have seen the end to that since being reminded of McCain's stand on Illegal Immigration. Is it too late for Fred? I certainly hope not. Fred Thompson is the only true consistent conservative in the race, and one of two...maybe three real leaders running.

One thing Fred could use at this time is your support. Please feel free to click on the contribution button in my left column and give whatever you feel comfortable giving. If all Fred supporters gave only $10 or $20 he would have between two and four million dollars, and well on his way to conquering Florida and states beyond.

Good work, Fred!


  1. Your video clips are no longer available. :(

  2. They are still available. Sometimes Google pretends they are not.


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