Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

With all that's happened in the news the past couple of months with Obama being re-elected, the realization that Obamacare and Roe v Wade are to be with us for years to come, and the school shooting in CT, it's a time to count our blessings by shedding the darkness of the world and looking to the Light.  This Christmas, hold tight to the arms of Christ and thank Him for all the good He has provided in your lives.  And then follow His example to spread His Light to all you meet, because living your faith and SHOWING the presence God's Grace in your life wins more converts than quoting the Bible or blathering about "judgement" ever will.  The example set by others is why I joined the Catholic Church.

May you all have a joyous and Christ-filled holiday season!