Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Good Movie For Those With Waning Faith

For those who have lapsed...  For those who are backsliding or are in danger of doing so....  For those who are questioning their faith and drifting away from the Church and from God, there is a movie you need to see.  It's not a huge production like Avatar or action packed like 300.  It's merely a simple encounter with a man who has it all, except God, and feels miserable.

The movie is Vito Bonafacci in Search of the Truth, and is about a lapsed Catholic (25 years away from the Church) who, after having a dream in which he dies and then is scolded by his mother on why he's going to hell, seeks advice from family, friends, and employees for answers, before turning directly to God (with help from his priest).

Without delving into too much (or any if you don't mind) personal baggage of my own, I'd like to say that I identified with this character very much in his faith struggle, and found the discussions he has with his wife, barber, and employees not only plausible, but nearly identical to several I've had with those who either accept God on His terms, or replace Him with some new-age politically correct, feel-goodism, or even write Him off altogether as some tool used by organized religion to advance careers in a bogus faith.

This movie would be a great gift for someone struggling with faith.  It would also make a useful RCIA tool for adults starting their Catholic journey.  And although I found the dream scene at the beginning to be somewhat dragging and a bit ponderous (I would have shown him acting out other examples of bad behavior while his mother narrated a voice-over rather than show her during her whole speech), the rest I found engagingly honest and well filmed.  There's very good camera work, especially when breakfast is prepared, and the acting is not bad at all.

Thumbs up!  Three Hail Marys.  Two and a half Glory Be's.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

What You Didn't Know About Obamacare. Excellent Video From ADF!

This is just the tip of the iceberg!  The entire written law is so HUGE, politicians are still uncovering new, horrific discoveries as we speak....

Monday, June 4, 2012

Video: Test of Fire

Looks like has some competition when it comes to high quality campaign ads!  This one of course reminds us of the heavy weight and eternal consequences of our vote.

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