Saturday, April 28, 2012

Can Latin Mass Make A Comeback?

Can the Latin Mass overtake and replace the modern English language Mass?  Those who have boldly ventured into churches who practice both and have done a comparison may notice that the Latin Mass is much less participatory than the English Mass, and...  is hard to understand if you don't know Latin.

Could help if Latin is taught widespread in schools again...  Some still do...

But the priest is correct in that the pendulum has swung in the other direction for those who still go to church.  Tradition will win the day.  But if the Catholic Church reverted back to primarily Latin Masses, would this result in a shrinkage in the laity?  And if so, would it be such a bad thing?

I would suggest that all Latin Masses would result in fewer converts from Protestantism simply because most of them would attempt to sit in on Masses with no knowledge of Latin whatsoever.  And without an English-Latin Missal with which to refer, they would be even more confused than they are when attending the modern English Mass for the first time, jumping around in the Missal and getting lost.... as I did when I started.  Honestly, they don't make things easy for the curious stranger to follow along.

However,...  Those already in the Church who accept the Latin Mass will have a deeper and more accurate understanding of their faith as well as adherence to the Magisterium so lacking in many of today's so-called Catholic college campuses.  It would be a smaller, yet stronger church.  For how strong can a huge church be if it cannot control what is taught in its churches and universities?  If the inmates are running the asylum, perhaps a smaller asylum is the remedy to regain control of the inmates... so to speak.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Allen West Defends His Comments About Communists In The Congressional Progressive Caucus

Yes, Chad, Allen West believes in his heart of hearts that there are many Communists in the Congressional Progressive Caucas (Democrat party in Congress).  And so do I.  Maxine Waters, anyone?  Listen to what they say and do.  Don't expect the Main Stream Media to point it out.  They're campaign managers for the Left.  Think for yourself.  See it for yourself.   Also, click HERE.

Litany Of The Saints ---Ora Pro Nobis!

I love it when our Cathedral thunders with the sounds of the faithful (choir included) singing the Litany of the Saints as we did at Easter Vigil a few hours ago...

To hear the Latin version (so beautiful), see below!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Vigil!

I've timed this post so that it appears while I'm in Philadelphia at the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul watching Archbishop Chaput celebrate the Easter Vigil Mass.  Enjoy!