Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Music And Recollections On The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The greatest spagetti-western made by Italian director, Sergio Leone, The Good, The Bad And The Ugly had some of the greatest music of any western, as well.  The top video consists of a very talented ukulele group playing the title score, while the bottom is an orchestra playing Ecstasy of Gold (the theme of Tuco running through the cemetery, looking for Arch Stanton's grave) conducted by the composer, Morricone.  

It's one of my favorite movies for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it highlights an often forgotten campaign out West, one that was forged not  based upon likelihood of success, but in the remote possibility of something as grandiose as a small Confederate army building in strength as it  moved north from El Paso, through New Mexico, and into Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, splitting the Union in half, West from East, and then invading California.  It wouldn't have had as horrible an economic impact as it would a political one, perhaps encouraging France and/or England to recognize the independence of the South and intervene at last on the Confederates' behalf.  But it was not to be.  Instead the Confederate army had their supply line cut, lost several battles, and in the end many  Confederate soldiers wandered aimlessly through the desert to their deaths.  Relics are found to this day.

I won't bore you with memorable scenes.  We all have our favorites, along with those moments that almost spoiled it for us.  The fact that most of the actors didn't speak English and spoke their lines in their own language made for some sloppy-looking dubbing.  The fact that Eli Wallach (as Tuco) ran through the cemetery with his arms swinging like a little girl did not ruin the scene for me (but almost).  If the special edition is still being sold on DVD, you will find the behind-the-scenes interviews very enlightening, including the one in which Eli Wallach tells the story of how he almost got beheaded by a moving train's boarding step (while he was trying to sever his prison chains).

Saturday, May 22, 2010

D-Day! June 6th at Gound Zero! Be There!!!

A new mosque at Ground Zero would be tantamount to the Germans opening a cultural center across from Auschwitz.! This cannot stand. 

Get this to as many people as you can, who you think can possibly attend.  Make lots of racket!  Draw lots of attention!  The more people know about this, the better.

(h/t:  Pam at Atlas Shrugs)

Arizona Governor Responds To Immigration-Law-Critics With Humorous Video

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has taken a lot of heat from the Obama administration, visiting Mexican President Calderon, and the Main Stream Media, all of whom criticize the 10 page Immigration Law without reading it.  In the video above, paid for by Gov. Brewer, an appropriate response is given (IMHO).

And I call it appropriate because the politicians who claim (falsely, I suspect) to have not read it, but know what's in it, are merely trying to appeal to those voters who are either too stupid to understand the English language from reading it themselves, or more likely, to those voters TOO BUSY to take the time to do their own research.  Fortunately, thanks to the internet and new media, you can find out things quickly, as we in the blogosphere are more than happy to do the legwork.  All that's required of you is to tune in.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lots Of News To Follow. Here's Some Of It

I really love LifeSiteNews because it's one of the only ways you can keep current on life issues, as well as other issues relevent to Christian beliefs.  The front page of headlines can direct a reader to a whole host of stories that the Main Stream Media either casually mention several pages back, or ignore altogether.  Here are some headlines you can find there today:

Pope Benedict in Portugal: Christians, Answer to Secularism is to Re-Evangelize World

(Among the issues dealt with was the Catholic Church's disdain with homosexual marriage.

President of Portugal Signs Gay 'Marriage' Law. 

(Only days after the Pope left the country, and because the Assembly had the votes to override any veto.)


Steve Jobs Says iPad Revolution Means ‘Freedom from Porn’  

("Folks who want porn can by [an] Android phone."--Jobs)

Catholic Doctors Support Ariz. Bishop's Rebuke of Nun over Abortion.   

(Rebuke meant excommuncation for the nun who approved an abortion when the life of the mother was at stake.  Before you judge, read the whole story.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How To Kill Jobs And Harm The Economy

Here's a humorous video from The Heritage Foundation about the not-so-humorous consequences of Cap'n Trade.


A Refreshing Change Of Governance...

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his 'confrontational tone'

I know I haven't been posting very often lately, but I am starting a 2 week vacation and plan to spend more time bringing the issues and opinions you won't hear from the Main Stream Media to your computer screen.

And in case you missed the larger-than-life New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie put a reporter in his place, you can see it above.  Enjoy...

(h/t:  The Anchoress)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oklahoma Ultrasound Law Suspended, Missouri Ultrasound Law On The Way

The Missouri State House voted 133-37 to approve a bill requiring ultrasounds for pregnant women seeking abortions, as well as making it a crime to coerce abortions at clinics like Planned Parenthood and others.  The bill faces an uphill battle when it gets to pro-abortion Governor Jay Nixon's desk unless the House and Senate can override him.

Meanwhile in Oklahoma, there has been a snag in a similar bill passed by both the State House and Senate, vetoed by Governor Brad Henry, but then passed into law three days later with overrides from both the House and Senate.  

But now Oklahoma County District Judge Noma Gurich has challenged the legality of the law, temporarily suspending it 45 days pending the outcome of of what many believe to be a futile attempt to derail the law.

The pro-abortionists are full of fear at the current trends toward abolition of abortion, and consider any challenge to what they perceive as the "right to choose..." to be a path down a slippery slope, no matter how logical or sensible the challenge might be.  

A great example of that is informed consent, not only of the expectant mother-to-be but to the parents of pregnant minors as well.  Every single pro-abortion person I've ever debated has said they don't feel comfortable with California-type parental consent laws, making it possible to hide the under-age pregnant daughter's "medical procedure" from her parents.  Yet none of them will stand against it when it's offered up for legislation.  

The vast majority of so-called pro-choice Americans believe in at least some restrictions on abortions, ie., not after the first trimester, not simply as a form of birth control, etc..., but continue to elect politicians who have an all-or-nothing mentality, who create laws allowing and even promoting abortion anytime for any reason.

Could there be any other reason for even the most liberal, "pro-choice" politician to deny a law giving pregnant mothers all the information they need to make an informed choice?  A required ultrasound would force Planned Parenthood and abortion mills like them to be a little less dishonest toward their customers.

(ultrasound pic from Cao's Blog)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day Rallies Give Away True Nature Of Amnesty Movement

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but circumstances warranted that I attend to issues related to my current employment...  lest I become unemployed.

Today I had time to peruse some of my favorite blogs and news sources to see what I've been missing... and I found this LINK to Michelle Malkin's informative blog with a story about the resurgence of the illegal immigration movement and its continuing linkage to reconquista and communist organizations.  

The picture I snagged off her site, she got from THIS SITE, which laughingly gives away the true nature of the open borders supporters.  In broken English, they propose to link several other causes together with theirs, most of which are subversive and anti-American in order to intimidate rational people into giving in to their demands.  The fact that they embrace communism (see the red flags with images of Che?) makes one wonder how any Catholic leaders, let alone the entire USCCB, could offer up monetary support for any of the rallies (like the recent one in Washington DC!).  Would John Paul II have given his support to this after chasing the communists out of Poland and the Eastern Block?  Would Archbishop Fulton Sheen have jumped on board with pro-amnesty groups waving red communist flags?  I doubt it.

Although I would like to see illegals in this country delt with humanely with an EVENTUAL path to citizenship (they were, after all, invited here with a wink and nod from our government), I must take a harsh position on this issue so long as the pro-amnesty movement allies itself with anti-American movements like Reconquista or Marxism.  The latter is the chief reason I was and am so against Obama.

One more thing...  Mexico supports these amnesty movements here in the US, but in Mexico...  illegal aliens are treated differently.  Click HERE for the horrifying details of that.